Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thoughts on an Execution, or, Getting It Right

'HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) -- Texas executed a Mexican citizen Thursday for the rape-slaying of a teenager after he and the White House pleaded in vain for a Supreme Court stay, saying he was denied help from his home country that could have helped him avoid the death penalty.'

For sake of clarity, this guy Leal raped a 16 year old girl and then bludgeoned her to death with 40 lb. piece of asphalt. 

'Mexico, the Obama administration and others had asked the U.S. Supreme Court to delay Leal's execution so Congress could consider a law that would require court reviews in cases where condemned foreign nationals did not receive help from their consulates. They said the case could affect not only foreigners in the U.S. but Americans detained in other countries.
The court rejected the request 5-4. Its five more conservative justices doubted that executing Leal would cause grave international consequences, and doubted "that it is ever appropriate to stay a lower court judgment in light of unenacted legislation."'

Way to go Supreme Court and even more so the State of Texas! As a 6th generation Texan Wright, I am always proud of my home state.  I am also proud that Texas executes more criminals than any other state. 
Honestly I think we should execute more criminals.  Murders, child-molesters and rapists should all get the death penalty.  I wish I could still say get the chair, but they get the chamber these days.  And in this case I am proud that we didn't kowtow to PBHO who was requisitely on the wrong side of this issue.   

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A line in the sand

The time is coming when a line will be drawn in the sand.  The President may soon be FORCED to unveil his real agenda in the Middle East.  You might be asking what I mean by 'his real agenda.'  Specifically, it is my contention that President Obama, first and foremost, seeks to promote the spread of Islam and Islamic governments in the Middle East. 

That's a pretty big accusation against the leader of the free world.  But, whether he likes it or not, Obama may soon be forced to show his cards. 

I remind those that pay attention that PBHO (President Barak Hussein Obama) supported the ousting of President Mubarak, Egypt's then leader.  He was very vocal in his support of 'the people' of Egypt.  However anyone watching at this point could have pointed out the obvious:  the group ready to step in and take control of any new government in Egypt was and is the Muslim Brotherhood.  Ergo PBHO supported the deposition of U.S. friendly Mubarak to install a radical-Islam friendly government.

At the end of last week Secretary of State Clinton announced that the PBHO wanted to work toward reestablishing lines of communication with the Brotherhood.  They responded by politely thanking Clinton and suggesting that to improve relations America should, “stop supporting the corrupt and tyrannical regimes, backing the Zionist occupation and using double standards.”  'Zionist Occupation' = Israel. 

Surely PBHO wouldn't have lauded the Egyptian government falling into the hands of people that want to end Israel?  Israel, with whom we've shared a treaty of mutual defensive assistance since 1952?  But that is exactly what he did. 

Perhaps I am overstating the Muslim Brotherhood's hatred of Israel?  I'd remind you that the Brotherhood assassinated then-president Anwar Sadat for making peace with Israel.  The Muslim Brotherhood wants no less than outright war with Egypt.

If we are being loyal to our allies, wouldn't we then also oppose the enemies of our allies?  In this country specifically, shouldn't we be invested in freedom?  Israel is the only free country in the entire region!  Why doesn't PBHO support our allies?  Why doesn't PBHO support our freedom? 

Earlier I spoke of agendas.  Ask yourself, what agenda could PBHO have that would force him to make these decisions?  If he does not wish to spread Islam and Islamic government, then why does he do exactly that? 

I'm not saying that I've proven my contention beyond any doubt.  I am asking you to ask yourself the same question that I ask.  When the line in the sand gets drawn, where does President Barack Hussein Obama stand?